Monday, May 16, 2016

Dimmit County Mesquite Roots pages 136-137 The Samuel Henry "Sam" Anderson Jr. Family

Samuel Henry (Jr.) and Doris Culver Anderson.  (Photo courtesy Sandra Anderson Wetzig)  Baby in chair:  Samuel Miles Anderson Sr. at age two in 1918,  (Photograph courtesy Sandra Anderson Wetzig)

The Samuel Miles Anderson Jr. family.  Left to right, rear; Sammy, Miles, and Jackie.  Front:  Lynn, Debby, and Mark.  (Photo courtesy Sandra Anderson Wetzig)

Samuel Henry Anderson Jr. was the son of Samuel Henry Sr. and Mary Lee Williams Anderson, early Dimmit County residents.  Sam Jr. was born in Carrizo Springs on February 5, 1894.  He was in France during World War I, and in the Civil Air Patrol during World War II.
Sam married Doris Culver, who was born April 16, 1896 in Naugatuck, Connecticut.  Sam and Doris had two children, Samuel Miles and Doris Margaret.
Doris Culver Anderson died on March 10, 1922.  She buried at the Mission Cemetery in San Antonio, Texas.
Sam H. Anderson Jr. later married Mary Alarcon, who was born in 1908.  They had one child, Robert Henry.
Samuel Miles "Sammy" Anderson Sr.  was born in San Antonio on December 7, 1916.  He married Virginia Fain on July 15, 1939.  Virginia was born July 15, 1920 in Ancone, in the Canal Zone.  Sammy and Virginia Fain Anderson had two children, Samuel Miles Jr. and Sandra Louise.  Samuel Miles Anderson Jr. married Jackie Priour and they have four children: Miles, Lynn, Debby, and Mark.  The family lives in Corpus  Christi.  Sandra Louise Anderson married Donald Wetzig (see separate story)
Doris Margaret Anderson was born in San Antonio on December 20, 191.  She married W. C. "Bill" Davisson and they had four children (see separate story).
Robert Henry Anderson was born in 1934.  He married Carrie Lee Harrbison in 1956.  They had four children:  Robert Clyde born in 1957, Jennifer Lorraine born in 1958, Meredith Leigh born in 1960, and Alice Louise born in 1965.  Carrie Lee Harrbison Anderson died in 1965.  Robert married Barbara Ann Steadman in 1968.  They had three children:  Benjamin Alexander born in 1969, Elizabeth Siobhan born in 1973, and Samuel James "Sammy" born in 1975.
Mary Alarcon Anderson died in 1960.  Samuel Henry "Sam" Anderson Jr. died in December of 1960.  He is buried at Mission Cemetery in San Antonio.

Margaret Anderson Davisson Spring, Texas 
Sandra Louise Anderson Wetzig Carrizo Springs.

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