Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Coyote Problem

Just a short update about that coyote. I now know there are two different ones. One is larger and has a bit more hair, but grey in color just the same as the smaller one. My husband was called off to work on his day off to transport a convict and couldn't be here to kill it.
I saw the coyote in the morning at 8:29 a.m so it is coming earlier and earlier. We have not given up the fight. Traps cost a lot and we plan on killing it. My daddy was harping on me to learn how to shoot the shotgun, (it gives me quite a fright). He said I can't miss with it, and I agree to that, but fear keeps me from handling it. See, I was held up by one of those shotguns 16 yrs ago when my car broke down. I walked to a gas station but it was closed and I thought the man inside was a clerk, found out he was robbing the place. I had pounded on the door to see if I could use the phone as the doors were locked and he went to a room and disappeared. I noticed the pay phone outside and had .35 cents and called the authorities in Gonzales, Texas to contact a family member when he came around the corner with a sawed off shotgun. :( My legs went to pudding and my heart came out my mouth. I was frozen with fear. He held that gun there for about 2 minutes although it felt like a lifetime. I nearly passed out. I had the dispatcher from the sheriffs dept online and I kept telling that man, "I'm only broke down, I'm just trying to get home, please don't shoot me." The dispatcher understood and a car was dispatched to where I was. The guy took off into the woods beside the store and then the deputy showed up a bit later to get me. I was extremely distraught. So you see...I am HIGHLY afraid of the shotguns. :( But we will get that coot.


  1. Is poison an option??

    Don't blame you about the guns when I was 9 my good friend from across the road was having an argument with his brother, they were about 12 and 14 at the time. One of them ran upstairs and grabbed his fathers gun from the wardrobe and pointed it at his brother it went off and the brother (my friend) died instantly. I went in and rang the ambulance ( I was sitting in the tree about 15 yards from where he lay - we had been talking at the time he was shot) and they didn't believe me. So we had to get an adult to call them.

    I hate guns. I acn shoot I have had to shoot sometimes when we worked on stations out in western QLD but I hate them.


  2. guns can never be good for the society.


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